Dear friends in
I bring you greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. To
Him be all glory and praise. I want to thank everyone of you
for your kind encouragement .prayers and help. Please find the
progress of the work from 6th September to 15th October 2009. I
am able to do this work with your kind prayers and help.
1.Baptism 1.
2. Had 48 private bible studies
3. Conducted 5 family prayers
4..Conducted Bible classes in 3 congregations.
5..Had 48 private bible studies.
6. Preached in a Funeral meeting in Narasaraopet.
7. Attended and lead two weddings.
9.Visited and helped the sic.
10.Lead and preached in a family prayer meeting in the middle of
Hindu village.
11. Worked in 3 districts.
12. Indian Christian School and Home.
13. Visited 1 new villages.
14. Helped for a brother who troubled in an accident and other
brother suffering bedsore.
15. Preached in a birthday meeting in Singnagar,Vijayawada.
Krishna district.
16. Conducting special class for the men from the 6
17. Working on Ramanjaneyapuram church of Christ building.
Congregation :
Ave. Attendance: Ave. Contribution:
1. church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem 47
: $4.68
2. church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 34
: $4.45
3. church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 28
: $2.50
4. church of Christ in Boggaram 27
: $3.30
5. church of Christ in Rajanagaram 16
: $0.50 of Christ in Massed Manyam, 7
Word of Lord Preached:-Marriage, Lord’s supper, Vine and
Branches, Christian Offerings, Worship with Truth and Spirit1
and 2. . Prayer and Answer.
Mid week Bible Classes
Name of the congregation: Ave.
Bible Class Attendance: Lesson
church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem 42
The agony and Glory of the Cross
church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 28
church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 27
New Sister from Ramanjaneyapuram church of Christ:- I worked for
her more than 4months. Her name is Siva. At last she baptized in
to on 27th October. I along with some of the church members went
to a canal by car to baptize her. She has a husband and two
children. She is regularly attending for the services and
faithful to the Lord.
Responses:- We have two responses in this week. One girl is
from Ramanjaneyapuram and one girl is from Subbaiahpalem church
of Christ. Their names are Gangamma and Ramadevi. I will report
you if they baptized in to Christ.
Family prayer meeting in the house of Hindu converted Christian
Sis.Mahalakshmamma:- We conducted a special prayer meeting in
the house of Sis.Mahalakshmamma. She constructed a small house
in the midst of the main village of Subbaiahpalem where all of
the Hindus located. She invited all of the congregation for the
inauguration of his house and arranged a meeting with the help
of the church in Ramanjaneyapuram church of Christ. Some of the
neighboring Hindus also attended for the program. I took the
chance to preach the Gospel for the attended Hindus and also
strengthen the church with the word of Lord. And then she
arranged a special meal for all of the attendants. I think you
know this Sis.Mahalakshmamma has only one eye. Her second eye is
artificial eye. She is able to see with her one eye but she is
very faithful sister in Christ.
Visiting the sic: I visited an young boys who was sever
sickness his name is Bro.Nagesu who was ignored by his boss. I
mentioned you about him few weeks back. Still he is in hospital
and no any betterment. Still he is suffering with bedsore. I
don’t know wheter he survive or not.
Accident to Bro.Gangaiah from Subbaiahpalem church of Christ:-
One of our brother Gangaiah from Subbaiahpalem congregation went
to a work to cut the tree on 12 of this month. At that time
accidentally one of the peace tree branch came and hit his ear
and it goes to his ear. At that time I was at camp but they
called me Immediately I went to there brought him to the
hospital. It was not touch his brain but it destroy his ear.
Doctor gave her some medicines. Today also we brought him to the
hospital. He gave some more medicines. He told us that if it not
cure with this medicines he need surgery. I helped her some for
her medicines . Please pray for her.
Indian Christian School and Home: Children are doing well and
growing in the love of the Lord. Some of the children are
suffering with cough and flue but recovering . Because of the
flooded water all of the water was polluted and we are trying to
make it fresh and make it available to all of my family and
orphans. My young daughter Nyna recovering from the chicken
gunia. This night she had head bath. One of our brother gave a
gift of hair dryer but it was burned. We need to bring it to the
mechanic and see if it reworks.
Now children are enjoy to sleep on the good beds. We purchased
20 beds and 20 pillows for the orphans. Now they are sleeping on
the good beds. Each bed width is 2 ½ feet and 6 feet long. I
covered the beds with rexine, I mean with good quality plastic
cover. So it is not a problem even if they passed the urine on
the beds. And we got a refrigerator too to store the vegetables
and milk etc.
We have already 2 big rooms for orphans one room for my
children and one room for me and my wife. and one small kitchen.
After we got the beds room is not sufficient so that some of the
orphans sleep in my children room and . Each big room size is
20x10 feet. Now we use these rooms for all the purposes as like
class rooms and bedrooms and dining hall. And I am trying to
get reorganization for the school. They instruct me as par the
government rule, residential rooms has to be separate from the
class rooms . So that I started another room and also plan to
build another two shed on my house for the school purpose. And
you know it will be useful for us to bring some more kids too.
The Lord is blessing His people. We serve a great, and loving
heavenly Father.
Church of Christ building in Ramanjaneyapuram:- As you know we
have the church building without walls. for the
Ramanjaneyapuram congregation. Now I started to build the walls
for this building. I hope I can fix the walls at some extend
with the money I have. It need your prayer to complete building.
I will send you detailed information in my financial
statements. It is an exciting time.
Floods in Andhra Pradesh:- We have sever floods in my district
and some other district in my area. Many are killed and many lot
all of there things like houses, clothing, utensils, etc. But it
was not effected in my area. We are all safe and we don’t have
floods but had much rain. Due to that all of the water was
polluted and it produces several viral diseases. So we have to
be careful for drinking water and mosquitoes. Doctors advised
us to take care of these things specially to avoid some
Funeral in Subbaiahpalem church of Christ:- We conducted a
burial program on 10th at Subbaiahpalem church of Christ .
Sister Kotilingamma passed away on 9th night.. She was age
about 65. She was a Christian for the last 6 years. All of her
family members are Christians. Her old son Brahmaiah is an
active member in the church. We are planning to conducte a
memorial meeting on 24th of this month.
Weddings:- I solemnized a marriage in Makkenavaripalem church
of Christ . Names of the bride and bridegroom is Sijatha and
Ganesh. Their parents are Bro. Mutuluri Pedda Vandanam and
Sis.Venkayamma. They are faithful members Makkenavaripalem
church of Christ for 10 years.
I was participated a wedding in Bangalore in the state of
Karnataka in India. Bride and Bridegroom names are Vivek and
Santhi. They are Christians. He is from Sivajinagar church of
Christ, son of Bro.M.Vijaya Kumar who is translating director of
Truth for Today material in Indian languages. Actually
Bro.Vijaya Kumar's wife was died with cancer when i was in usa.
He informed me when i was in usa. And she is a Christian from
Perumbur church of Christ from Tamilnadu state in India.
Baby Shower:-We participated in a baby shower prayer meeting in
Rajanagaram church of Christ. Name of the mother is Anjamma and
her husband name is Prabhakar.
We pray my God shall supply all your need according to His
riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Amen.
In the Love of the Lord.
Yours brother in Christ
Archive of old Work Reports |
Preaching The Gospel
in India |
The churches of Christ
in India
Salute you |
church of Christ in
Makkenvaripalem |
The church of Christ
in Subbaiahpalem |
The church of Christ
in Ramanjaneyapuram |
The church of Christ
in Rajanagaram |
The church of Christ
Boggoram |
The church of Christ in
Massad Manyam |
Challenges in India |
System |
Poverty |
Denominations |
Educating the Poor |
References |
Past Work Reports |
April to June 2009 |
March to April 2009 |
Jan 2009 to March 2009 |
Nov 23 to Dec 31, 2008 |
Nov 2 to Nov 11, 2008 |
Oct 19th to Nov 1,
2008 |
Sept 1 to Oct 4, 2008 |
June 29th to July
12th, 2008 |
May 25th to June 28th |
May 11 - May 24th |
April 27 to May 10 |
April 6 to April 19, 2008 |
March 23rd to April 5 |
9th March to 22nd March,
2008 |
Feb 17th to March 1st 2008 |
3rd February to 16th
February 2008 |
January 27th to February 2, 2008 |
January 20th to Jan 26th 2008 |
January 6th to January 19th 2008 |
December 29th to January 5th |
December 23rd to the 29th |
December 15 to the 22nd |
December 8th to the 15th |
November 25th to December 8th |
November 18th to 24th |
November 11th to 17th 2007 |
November 4th to
10th 2007 |
October 28 - November 3rd |
October 13th - 20th |
October 7-13th |