
-You have undoubtedly studied regarding the Samaritans and their  overall relationship (or lack thereof) with the Jews.

-Northern Kingdom of Israel fell - some taken captive - some remained - others

  brought in by the Assyrians

-The mixing together of these people led to the development of the Samaritans.

-The people of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah) had

  already developed contentions between themselves.  This blending and mixing only

  added to it.

-When those of the Southern Kingdom, being released from the Babylonian captivity,

  began to rebuild the temple, the Samaritans offered help but it was refused.

-They then interfered with the work on the temple causing its delay.

-Also, when the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt, the Samaritans once again


-So, separation and dissention continued.

-This is important to keep in mind when considering the life of Christ and His interaction

  with the people - including the Samaritans.

            -Also, this background sheds additional light on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

            -Luke 10:25-29 - Jesus then gave the parable - Notice then, verses 36-37.

-This mornning, though, I would like to focus on one Samaritan in particular.


-Jesus Travels Through Samaria

-Luke 17:11-19

            -Here, Jesus is making His way toward Jerusalem for the final time.

            -vs 11-12  - Remember, it was common for the Jews to bypass Samaria.  However,

       Jesus traveled through its midst.  He even entered into their villages.  Why??? As with all of the miracles of the Bible it was to show God’s presence, approval  and power!

-Here, He encounters 10 lepers.

            -vs 12 - They “stood afar off.”  Due to their leprosy, they were considered unclean

                         and were to remain separated from others.  Anybody who came in contact

                         with them would also be considered unclean (Lev 13-14).

            -vs 13 - They cried out with a request - “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.”

-vs 14 - Jesus instructs them to go show themselves to the priests.  On the way, they

             were cleansed.

            -vs 15-16 - One of the ten, when realizing he was healed, “turned back, glorified God,

                               fell at Jesus’ feet and gave Him thanks.”

                        -Notice, verse 16 specifies that he was a Samaritan.


-Let’s Briefly Notice Three Important Points:

1.  Jesus is the Source of Cleansing

            -Col 1:14

            -Matt 26:27-28

            -As we sometimes sing:  Are you washed in the blood?

            -Yet, how does one contact the cleansing blood of Jesus?

                        -Notice, Jesus said He was shedding His blood for the remission of sins.

                        -Acts 2:38 - Be baptized “for the remission of sins.”

                        -Rev 1:5, Acts 22:16

-Brethren and friends, it is a shame that some, whether knowingly or unknowingly, are teaching that baptism is not a necessity, because baptism is clearly for the remission of sins, SO, they are in turn teaching that it is unnecessary to contact the blood of Jesus. I pray to God that those who have been taught this will see that NO BAPTISM means NO BLOOD, and NO BLOOD means NO FORGIVNESS!


2.  We Are To Glorify God

-glorify - 1. To give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt..3. To give glory to, especially

                 through worship. (The American Heritage Dictionary)

-We see this in the example of Jesus:

   -John 12:23-28 - One of the few times that the silence of heaven was broken, it was in

    the context of glorifying God.

     -John 17:1-5 - The night before Jesus’ crucifixion He prayed to the Father.  Notice,

                             how He began that prayer.

-Turn with me to1 Cor 6:20, For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.  When we find something we like that is for sale, what is the first thing we try to determine?  What does it cost?  Are we getting a good deal? If we decide that we want salvation shouldn’t we consider the cost?  What did it cost Jesus to provide salvation for us?  He willingly left the glories of heaven, He willingly lived as a human, He willingly subjected himself to a life of trials, temptations, and rejection, He willingly faced the rejection of His Father in Heaven, He willingly endured scouring and crucifixion and death!  You know, if I were in Jesus’ position, that would have seemed to me to be a incredibly high price to pay!  From a human standpoint it seems he paid more than what He was getting was worth!  Now when we consider whether we want the salvation Jesus has provided what is it going to cost us?  Everything!  Turn with me to Colossians 3:3…

- Matt 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven!

-Unfortunately for too many people, rather than seeking to glorify God, they seek the

  glory of God. Turn with me to:

            -Matt  6:2,  Jesus is in the midst of preaching the sermon on the mount  (they have theirs)

 John 5:39, 41, 44       (honoring men instead of God)

            -Acts 12:21-23    Antioch of Pisidia,  Paul was asked if he wanted to speak, big mistake!

They wanted to be like the countries around them when what they had was better!  I want you to ask yourself a serious question, is what you have as a Christian… better?

 3.  We Are To Be Thankful

-Yet, consider the question that Jesus asked in Luke 17:  Where are the nine?

-Only one of the ten returned to give thanks to Jesus.  How sad!

     -In regards to this one, we are told very, very little about him.  Yet, doesn’t it seem

      that we’re given quite a bit of insight into his character?  What a wonderful example to us of a thankful heart!

-And then notice the correlation between glorifying God, offering Him thanks and faith.

     -Luke 17:17-19


-Summary and Invitation

-Let’s appreciate the great blessings that God has placed before us – including physical but      especially spiritual.

-Let’s allow that thanksgiving to increase and strengthen our faith.  Let’s then strive to

  Live in such a way that we bring glory to God.

-What about you?  Have you responded to God’s invitation?  If not, believe (John 3:16,

  8:24), confess your faith (Rom 10:9-10, Matt 10:32), repent of your sins (Luke 13:3,5;

  Acts 17:30), be baptized (Acts 2:38, Gal 3:26-29)

-If you’ve obeyed the Gospel, but haven’t lived faithfully - giving glory to God, exalting His Son as your Savior - then you can confess your shortcomings, repent of them and pray for forgiveness - 1 John   1:7-9, Acts 8:22-24.