The Joy of Giving


The Joy of Giving 


Read Nehemiah 8:1-3, 9-12.  This day of great joy was accompanied by the giving of gifts.  Throughout history people have shared the joy of giving with others.

Giving began with God!  We have all probably received gifts that were the wrong size, wrong color, wrong style or even defective in some way.  But God’s gifts are always perfect.  (James 1:17)  The psalmist declared, “Yes, the Lord will give what is good.”  (Psalms 85:12)  Also Jehovah is unchanging in His nature and character – “no shadow of turning.”   He always and forever will give good gifts.  The text describes God as the “Father of lights”, the giver of light.  (Genesis 1:14-18)  This gift of light is the basic source of energy for us here on earth.  He will be our source of life in heaven.  (Revelation: 22:5)


 I. Physical Gifts

  • Food and Drink   (Ecclesiastes 3:13) It is a gift to enjoy food and drink.
  • Wealth and Possessions   (Ecclesiastes 5:19, I Timothy 6:17-19)        We all have more than we need.
  • Health   Note:  Hezekiah’s psalm in Isaiah 38:9, 21   Every time we recover from any illness, we should thank God.
  • Abilities / Talents   (Matthew 25:14-15, I Corinthians 7:7b)    We all have some abilities, maybe several talents.  (I Peter 4:10)

II. Spiritual Gifts

  • Christ  (John 3:16, John 4:10)
  • Salvation  (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 3:23-24)
  • Eternal Life  (Romans 6:23)  We deserve death, but eternal life is truly a gift, totally underserved!


Read:  II Corinthians 9:15

Bobby Stafford

December 25, 2011

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