A Trustworthy Saying


A Trustworthy Saying


Read Luke 2:8-15.  Note that the shepherds did not say, “Let’s go see if this has happened.”  They knew the angels’ announcement was a trustworthy saying.

Text:  II Timothy 2:11-13


I. If We Have Died with Him 

· There is a dying with Christ at baptism.  This is a dying to sin and one’s own selfish desires.  One’s heart is filled with sorrow at the thought of his past sins.  (Romans 6:3-8)

· “Shall live with Him” When baptized, one comes up from the waters of baptism to walk in newness of life – a new creature.  (Colossians 2:12-13)

· There is also a looking forward to eternal life in heaven.  (Colossians 3:3-4) 

II. If We Endure 

· The faithful Christian is called upon to endure the hardships and sufferings of this life.  (I Corinthians 4:11-12)

· Suffering for being a Christian is a gracious thing in God’s sight.  (I Peter 2:20, Acts 5:41)

· Our enduring is to last to the end.  (Matthew 10:22)

· If we do endure, we will reign with Him. (Revelation 3:21)  This reign begins in principle in this life; (Ephesians 2:4-7) and continues throughout eternity.  (Revelation 22:5)

· A great reward is promised to those who are willing to suffer with Christ.  (Romans 8:17-18) 

III. If We Deny Him 

· It is not a temporary or momentary lapse, but a deliberate and final choice.  (Matthew 10:33)

· Those who decide not to acknowledge Him as Lord will not be acknowledged by Him as His own.  (II Peter 2:1, Jude 4)

IV. If We Are Faithless 

· This passage contrasts God’s faithfulness to His promises and some men’s unfaithfulness.  (Romans 3:3-4a)

· Even though some may deny Christ, He is still God.  He remains true to His Word.  He will not treat the unfaithful as if he were faithful.  (I Peter 4:17-19)


These four statements are all promises of God that we can stake our lives on. 

Bobby Stafford

August 18, 2013



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