Signs of the Times


No doubt we live in troubling times.  We look out and see signs that our world is drifting further and further away from God.  What are these signs?


I. A Low View of Human Life

· Forty years ago the United States Supreme Court made an infamous decision in Roe v. Wade.  It struck down state laws prohibiting abortion, thus making the killing of an unborn child legal in all fifty states.  Since then, more than 54,000,000 babies have been legally slain in the womb.


It was June, 1969 and Norma discovered she was pregnant.  She felt completely unprepared for another baby and did not want to be pregnant, so her friends advised her to falsely say that she had been raped in order to obtain a legal abortion.  But without a police report, she discovered she could not make the case.

Norma was not thinking of her pregnancy as another human life, but as simply an unwanted condition.  She went to two attorneys, who told her, “It’s just a piece of tissue.  You just missed your period.”

The attorneys were looking for just such a case as Norma’s, so they filed suit against the State of Texas, using Norma under the alias of Jane Roe.  In the meantime, Norma McCorvey gave birth and then gave the baby up for adoption.

The case, of course, was eventually decided by the United States Supreme Court in favor of abortion, on January 22, 1973 – ushering in a new world of legalized “abortion on demand” throughout the United States.  We have now “celebrated” the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, after an estimated 53 million babies have been killed under its auspices in America.

When the Supreme Court justices wrote their ruling, they divided the decision into three parts, each dealing with a trimester of fetal development in the womb of a pregnant woman.  This parallels the fraudulent presentation of embryonic development first advanced by Ernst Haeckel (Darwin’s “bulldog”) in 1866.  Haeckel fraudulently drew gill slits in human embryos to resemble fish embryos, and made other misleading alterations to advance his theory that fetal development “recapitulates” the supposed evolution of human beings through various stages of animal life.  During the first trimester, according to the Supreme Court, states were not allowed to restrict abortion in any way – because the baby was regarded as “non-viable” as a human being.  He or she was essentially “tissue”, as Norma McCorvey was told.

Yet, the well-formed hand and arm of a 7-week-old fetus, dismembered during an abortion, tells the tale that there is more than “tissue” present from the miracle of creation that takes place in the womb of a pregnant woman.  Indeed, today, through genetic science and technology like ultrasound, we know that human life begins at the very start of pregnancy.

Evolution regards humans as animals – just more evolved. And as Darwin’s theory came into acceptance, “experts” began treating human beings as glorified animals without moral accountability.  The acceptance of Haeckel’s embryo thesis – which has persisted to today – fraudulently influences the education of countless people, including Supreme Court justices. 

Contributing to the timing of Roe v. Wade was the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s.  Sex just happens to have the consequence of making babies.  But this becomes an inconvenience when “sexual liberation” is the rule.  Here, evolution lends a hand in freeing people for “free sex.”  If we are simply “animals”, why couldn’t we give in to our “animal urges”?

Abortion is the genocide of millions of our most vulnerable people worldwide, not just in America.  It is indeed a modern-day holocaust of vast proportions – one of the many evils launched in the last century–and-a-half by godless evolutionary suppositions.

Norma McCorvey, writing that after having been befriended by the 7-year-old child of a pro-life advocate, began to realize what abortion was doing to children.  “Abortion . . . had a face now, in a little girl named Emily.”  At her urging, Norma started going to church and rejected her involvement with the pro-abortion movement.  Since her conversion, she has dedicated herself to pro-live work. 

Mark Cadwallader, Board Chairman, Creation Moments 

I.  A Low View of Human Life  (Continued) 

· Since it’s legal, should Christians accept that?  Does being legal make it right?  Let’s look at what God has to say about it.

· Psalm 139:13-16 God knew the Psalmist while he was “yet unformed,” while he

was being made “in secret.”  Notice the use of “me”, not “it.”  The Psalmist was a person before birth.

· Jeremiah 1:4-5  He was “known” while in the womb.  God considered him a real living person.

· Luke 1:39-44  John was considered a “babe” while in the womb.

· Conclusion:  Since the embryo is a human life, then abortion is murder in God’s eyes regardless of whether it’s legal or not.  That’s how very serious this is. 

II. The Acceptance of Homosexuality

· Recall what happened to Louie Giglio, the Atlanta preacher, who was “disinvited” from delivering the benediction at the recent Presidential inauguration because almost twenty years ago, he had stated that homosexuality is a sin!

· The Presidential Committee apologized to the country for inviting someone who taught Biblical truth.  Some believe a new age of McCarthyism is upon us.  Instead of asking, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”  The new question will be, “Are you now or have you ever been one who believes that homosexuality is anything less than morally acceptable and worth of celebration?”

· The Bible is very clear about how God views homosexuality.  (Romans 1:21-28, 32)  Note the words “dishonorable,” “contrary to nature,” “shameless,” and “debased.”  Note, also I Corinthians 6:9-11.  Homosexuality is a sin that can be repented of and stopped. 

III. The Crisis of the Family

· The family unit is in trouble in our country.  This cannot be denied.  The breakdown of the family is obvious and it’s affecting our society as a whole.  This crisis is a Biblical one because the family was created and instituted by God Himself.  It was God who created human beings and founded marriage.  (Genesis 2:20-24)

· The family is one of God’s most precious gifts to His creation. When people follow God’s pattern for the home, they glorify God.  When it is not honored, a society cannot long survive.

· The bond between a husband and wife is a unique one; unlike any other human relationship.  God changes the status of a man and woman from single to married.  This status is meant to be a permanent union, a bond of oneness and union.  This covenant is to be taken very seriously by both parties.  (Proverbs 2: 17, Malachi 2:14)

· A quick glance at our country shows how little regard many Americans have for marriage.  Christians should be concerned about this family crisis and we must defend the family against its enemies. 


Yes, these are indeed troubling times.  As Christians, our responsibility is to declare how God views these things.  We must point others to His Son.

Bobby Stafford  

February 3, 2013


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