Caleb Followed the Lord Fully

(From Mark Copeland)


· Most will recall the story of the twelve spies sent to spy out the land of Canaan.  (Numbers 13:1-2)  They spent forty days travelling through the land. 

· They brought back both good news and bad news.  Good: (Numbers 13:27)  Bad: (Numbers 13:28)

· Caleb, one of the twelve spies, tried to encourage the people. (Numbers 13:30) 

 But ten spies with their discouraging report caused the people to groan and weep.  (Numbers 13:31-14:4) 

· Caleb and Joshua knew they could take the land with the Lord’s help.  (Numbers 14:6-9)

· The people didn’t believe Caleb and Joshua; so they spent forty years wandering in the wilderness.  (Numbers 14:28-37)

· Caleb and Joshua were spared.  (Numbers 14:38)

· The Lord said that Caleb was spared because he followed the Lord fully.  (Numbers 14:24) 

  He followed God’s lead wholeheartedly.  Similar statements were made about him at later times.  (Numbers 32:11-12, Deuteronomy 1:36, Joshua 14:8-9, 14)  He obeyed God completely.

 Body:  What Does It Mean to Follow the Lord Fully?

 I. To Follow the Lord All Our Days

  • Caleb followed Him in the wilderness and was still following forty-five years later.  (Joshua 14:8-10)

  • Many have not.  They follow for a while and then turn away.  (Galatians 1:6)  See also James 5:19-20.

  • Be faithful and follow the Lord until death.  (Revelation 2:10)  We are able to do this by keeping our eye on Jesus. (Hebrews 12:1-4)

II. To Follow the Lord With Our Whole Heart

  • Note Christ’s response to the lawyer’s question.  (Matthew 22:35-38)  This represents the whole person in every aspect.  It is the idea of total devotion

  • We cannot let things of the world detract us.

  • King Solomon (I Kings 11:4) Human relationships influence what we do and how we live.

  •  Being friends with the world will lead us from God.  (James 4:4, I John 2:15-17)

  • Caleb made the decision to follow Jehovah with all his heart.

III. To Follow the Lord Despite the Hardships

  • Caleb followed Jehovah knowing there were giants in the land.  (Numbers 13:32-33)  He was willing to face the anger of his own brethren.  (Numbers 14:10)

  •  Many Christians today will only follow Christ when it’s easy or convenient.  (John 6:60-61, 66-68)  But notice Matthew 5:10-12.


Caleb chose to follow God fully.  As a result, he was allowed to enter Canaan, receive land as an inheritance, and his land had rest from war. A great reward awaits those who follow the Lord fully.


Bobby Stafford
February 17, 2013


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