I Am


The apostle John wrote his gospel to persuade people to believe that Jesus was the Son of God.  (John 20:30-31)  From the opening verses, he declares that Jesus is truly God.  Throughout the gospel, Jesus claims divinity by the use of “I Am” statements.  It is to these we now turn our attention.


I. Jesus Identifies Himself

· The Messiah:  John 4:25-26  (Isaiah 52:6)

· From above:  John 8:21-23

· One with the Father:  John 10:28-30

· Son of God:  John 10:34-36

· In the Father:  John 10:37-38

· Jesus of Nazareth:  John 18:4-8


II. Jesus Declares He Is Eternal

·  “I Am” Jesus stresses His eternal nature.  He is the “Existing One.”  John 8:24, 28, 58 See Isaiah 43:10-13, 25, Isaiah 51:12.

· Lord John 13:19 See Exodus 3:14-15, Hebrews 11:6.


III. Jesus Describes Himself

· Bread of Life:  John 6:35, 51 See Exodus 16:4, 15  Also John 10:10-11

· Light:  John 8:12 See Exodus 13:21  Also John 1:4-5

· Door:  John 10:7, 9  See Psalm 118:20

· Good Shepherd:  John 10:11, 14  See Isaiah 40:11

· Resurrection:  John 11:25-26  See John 6:39-40

· Way and Truth:  John 14:6  See Hebrews 9:8, John 1:17

· True Vine:  John 15:1, 5 We need to abide in Christ.  John 15:4


Time and time again Jesus declared that He was God and that believing in Him was essential to salvation.

Bobby Stafford   

September 29, 2013


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