Keeping Close to God

Keeping Close to God


What kind of person does God welcome into His house? This one is truly blessed as Psalm 65:4 proclaims. Our text, Psalm 15, is considered to be a psalm of David. Within these five short verses, he describes how one keeps close to God.

Text: Psalm 15


I. The Question (Verse 1)

· Who has the privilege of close fellowship with Jehovah? David has a similar sentiment in Psalm 27:4. The prophet Isaiah also describes the wonderful blessings of the one who dwells in God’s presence. (Isaiah 33:13-16)

 II. The Answer (Verse 2)

· “Walks blamelessly” – with integrity (Proverbs 28:18) His character is blameless and he desires to please God. (Psalm 18:23-24, Psalm 84:11) Also see Ephesians 1:4.

· “Does what is right” – To have close fellowship with God, one does what should be and needs to be done in God’s sight, regardless of whether men approve or not. (Psalm 106:3, Galatians 2:14)

· “Speaks truth in his heart” – One values truth; so he is honest. (Ephesians 4:25) He is sincere, not a hypocrite. Don’t be like the one in Psalm 12:2. “They speak idly everyone with his neighbor; With flattering lips and a double heart they speak.” NKJV

· Are these the qualities and values that drive your behavior? Do these guide your decisions? They must if you desire to keep close to God.

 III. The Description (Verses 3-5)

· “Walks in innocence” (Verse 3) One is concerned about the welfare and reputation of others. (Psalm 34:13, II Corinthians 12:20) Slander (Exodus 23:1-2) Take up a reproach

· “Walks in holiness” (Verse 4) “Vile” – Proverbs 8:13 He loves what He loves and hates what He hates. (Romans 12:9) Remember how Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman. (Esther 3) “Honors” – To all good men we owe a debt of honor. (Psalm 16:3, Psalm 119:63) ”Swears to his own hurt” – He keeps his word regardless of the cost. (Joshua 9:18-20)

· “Walks in justice” (Verse 5) “At interest” (Leviticus 25:35-38, Ezekiel 18:8) “Bribe” (Exodus 23:6-9) Does not extort or take advantage


Being welcomed by God into His presence is a very precious thing. Only those described in this psalm will be blessed with this privilege. The psalmist finishes his psalm by stating that the one who does these things shall never be moved or shaken.


Bobby Stafford

December 15, 2013

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