What Is This?


At the Gold City Gem Mine in Franklin, North Carolina customers pay a small fee for a “bucket of dirt” out of the mine.  The dirt contains rocks, usually worthless.  The joy is in the treasure hunting and occasionally a real gemstone out of the mine is found.  In July of 1995, a third-grader named Griffin McCurry, paid for just such a bucket of dirt.  As you might expect, it didn’t look as if there was any hidden treasure; but there was a rock in it that the boy kept just because he liked the shape.  People Magazine reported that it was a saleswoman from the jewelry store at the mine who noticed the rock and gave it a closer inspection.  As it turned out the 1,104 carat sapphire had a value of approximately $45,000.

Everybody likes a good treasure story.  The story of the discovery of the Law in the Temple during Josiah’s renovation is about as good as they come; because God’s Word is a treasure that is priceless.

Text:  II Kings 22-23


  I. Environment Is No Excuse (Verses 1-2)

· The father of Josiah was Amon.  (II Kings 21:25-26) Amon was evil like his father, Manasseh.  (II Kings 21:19-22)  He allowed human sacrifices, brought idols into the temple, used mediums and necromancers, and forsook the Lord God.

· Josiah grew up in this household environment .  Despite the wickedness of his parents; he still chose to do right.  Israelite parents had an obligation to teach their children to love and obey God.  (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) 

· Josiah chose not to let his parent’s evil ways define who he was and what he would become.  He rose above it and made his own decisions.  (II Kings 22:19)

· Like Josiah, if the religion of our forefathers is wrong, then we need to leave it forever.  (Matthew 10:37)

 II. The Law Was Lost (Verse 8)

· Where?  In the temple!  Josiah then received the book of the Law.  (Verses 10-13)

·  Something had replaced the Word.  Today in many congregations, the law of Christ is lost. (Romans 8:2)  Opinions, traditions, psychology, self-help, philosophies of men, fluff, feel-good sermons have become replacements for God’s Word.  (Matthew 15:6b-9)

· There had been a famine of the Word.  (Amos 8:11-12)  But the Word was their most precious possession.  (Psalm 19:7-11) It had not become obsolete.  (Hebrews 4:12)

 III. Josiah’s Heart Could Be Touched (Verse 11)

· Josiah’s repentance led to reform.  (II Kings 23:1-20)

· The Passover was restored.  (II Kings 23:21-25)

· The Word of God has power to convict.   (Isaiah 55:11, Proverbs 6:23)

· All must have a tender heart.  (Acts 2:36-37) “Good soil”

· Receive the Word.  (James 1:21)


The Bible is precious to us.  Let us always be mindful if its value.

 Bobby Stafford

January 27, 2013


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