church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible

Lesson #12 – Rahab


Rahab - רָחָ֖ב


I) Meaning of the name

A) Rahab – רָחָ֖ב – Ῥαχάβ

1) arrogant, raging, turbulent, afflicter.

2) This Rahab is different from the Rahabs in Psalms 87:4 (רַ֥הַב)(Egypt), 89:10 (same as 87:4), Isaiah 30:7 (רַהַב) (Storm, sea monster), 51:9 (רַהַב)(Egypt)

B) Harlot – זָנָה - πόρνη

1) To commit fornication, to be a harlot

C) Salmon - Σαλμών – שַׂלְמוֹן

1) Coat

II) Old Testament

A) Her character

1) Three times in Joshua Rahab is described as a harlot.

(a) Joshua 2:1, 6:17, 6:25

B) Her works

1) Rahab hid and protected the spies, defying the will of her king.

(a) Joshua 2:3-6

2) She also planned the escape of the spies.

(a) Joshua 2:4,6,15,16

3) Why did the spies end up at Rahab’s house?

(a) Jeremiah 29:11

C) Her faith

1) Rahab shows remarkable knowledge of the works and will of God.

(a) Joshua 2:8-11

(b) Verse 9

D) Her request

1) Joshua 2:12-13

2) Rahab’s faith was strong. 

E) The Scarlet Cord

1) teaching of man

(a) Pope Clement I

2) This teaching focuses on the color of rope that Rahab used.

(i) That is a lot to read into the color of a rope!

F) Rahab was “saved alive.”

1) Archaeological evidence

2) Rahab and her family were saved by obedience through faith.

(a) There were conditions for Rahab’s survival

(i) Joshua 2:17-20

(ii) Bottom line salvation may come through faith but without obedience, faith alone will not save you.

III) New Testament Teachings

A) Ancestor of Christ

1) Matthew 1:5

B) Rahab’s faith (NT)

1) Hebrews 11:31

2) James 2:25

(a) Rahab saved by works

(b) Hebrews 11 and James 2

(i) As James 2:17-18

IV) Things I hope you learned

A) Rahab a Canaanite Harlot was in the lineage of Christ

B) Rahab shows that salvation comes from obeying the truth.

C) Faith produces works.

D) Salvation does not depend on righteousness.

1) Rahab was saved and even became an ancestor of Christ, but had been a Harlot.



April 30, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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