Granby church of Christ
Sermon Outlines

Removing The Landmarks

Removing The Landmarks


Beginning with the latter part of chapter 4 and continuing throughout the remainder of the book, Hosea often uses Ephraim as the designation for Israel, the northern Kingdom. Ephraim was the second son of Joseph- Manassa being first,  Genesis 41. But when Joseph's father Jacob blessed his two grandsons, Ephraim received the greater blessing. From the time of the exodus, Ephraim became one of the leading tribes. Possibly because Joshua, Moses' successor, was from Ephraim. In the land of Canaan, the tribe of Ephraim was given land in the central region- including Bethel, Shiloh, and Shechem. When the Kingdom became divided after the days of Solomon, Ephraim went with nine other tribes and formed the northern Kingdom. They appointed Jeroboam, a man from Ephraim, as their king. Thus began Ephraim’s influence in the northern Kingdom.


1.      Hosea chapter 5: 1-3: idolatry is found everywhere! Not only among nations at large but also among priests and kings.  These last two groups were ensnaring nations to commit idolatry instead of helping them avoid these traps. Mizpah, a city in southern Israel a few miles north of Jerusalem, was a probable site of a Pagan religious shrine. Mount Tabor, a mountain in northern Israel near the Sea of Galilee, was the site of an idolatrous sanctuary. The point seems to be that over the entire land, the nation of Israel, led by priests or rulers, was committing idolatry, 2 Kings 17: 9 at 10.  They would receive severe judgment

slaughter; very possibly, child sacrifice was part of Pagan idolatry! Jehovah would deal with them in accordance with their crime. Any attempt to hide from God would be in vain. He sees their defilement.


Verses 8-9

is the scene of a battlefield. Watchmen sound battle alarms- 1 of warning concerning coming danger. 3 cities mentioned Are all in a fairly straight line north of Jerusalem. All were close to the border of Israel and Judah. The Prophet sees Ephraim.  Assyria is already attacking Israel.  The invasion was going all the way to the southern border. On the day the Lord rebukes the northern Kingdom, desolation will result.

Verses 10

While Israel struggled Assyria, Judah attempts to extend the borders of her territory by moving landmarks N. Is this possibly why the tribe of Benjamin was told in verse 8 to look behind you.

Versus 11-12

Being oppressed and broken would now describe Ephraim, just as they had done to others in the past. Amos 4: 1 so wind, reap the whirlwind! They walked according to man's command and not gods! While both northern and southern kingdoms word to be afflicted, Ephraim would be quick in coming.  Ephraim, bad infection- puss- laceration- rot-will take a while to destroy, while Judah would yet be several years.

Verses 13-15

When Ephraim realized its condition, it should have turned back to Jehovah. Instead it sought an alliance with the Assyrians.   There was no possibility of that working.

Lion- suggests ferocious attacks. Jehovah was using Assyria to execute judgment. Purpose- 1 was to invoke repentance. Seek the Lord once again when he desires to be found.

2.      Lessons to learn:

Read Deuteronomy 19: 14 and 27: 17. Here, it was a very serious matter to change landmarks defining property lines. The Bible sets out landmarks and boundaries that God sets. They are not to be moved! In our day, many, even in the lord's church, are moving these landmarks. Broadening the borders of fellowship in Christ beyond God's boundaries. We have no right or authority to do this. We have no authority to accept others as Christians, as those who are saved, who, according to the bible, are not.

2 Timothy 2: 10, where are the saved? Answer: in Christ Jesus. How did they get there? By faith alone? No- the demons believe in tremble- James 2: 19. But faith is essential- Hebrews 11:6. By repentance alone? No- but it is necessary. Luke 13:3.   by confession alone? No - but it is necessary, Romans 10: 10. By baptism alone? No, must be preceded by the above. But baptism is the final act that places us in Christ, Galatians 3: 27. So no one who has not obeyed the gospel as just stated is in fellowship in Christ. 

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

October 6, 2024 

The church of Christ at Granby

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Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey