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Obey All the Way
Abraham Obeys God, Part 2
Hello. I hope everyone had a good week-end and faith building worship services. That is usually determined by how we participated in them isn’t it. I also hope you have been using our slogan in your life, “Obey all the way.” Our memory verse for this week is Col. 3:20, “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.”
We continue our study of Abraham’s obedience to God in the record of Genesis 22. Let’s notice a couple of lessons from this text.
  • Abraham gave unquestioned obedience to God. No more difficult command can be imagined than to take the life of your child. Giving our own life would be easier. Abraham did not raise that question. He did not argue with God as some argue with the Bible. Faith in God must be absolute. He cannot be seen making bad judgments or unnecessary judgments. Faith is belief and trust. Faith in God, the only perfect, omniscient, being must mean complete unquestioning trust. We must give unquestioned obedience in every matter of the New Testament.
  • In addition, from a human standpoint, the command of God had no reason. Yet, he obeyed. He did not ask, “Why?” He did not ask for explanation. I recall another great man who did ask why. Job kept demanding an audience with God to find out why he was suffering. But when that audience was provided, Job repented of his demand and fell silent before God. He and Abraham both realized that their can be no questioning of the rightness of God to make any demand, to allow any circumstance, to act in any way he pleases. Our God is perfect.
  • Abraham acted immediately. The text says, “in the morning.” When we intend to obey God, there is no reason for hesitation. Hesitation implies the thought of refusal while we think over whether we want to obey or not. The moment God spoke, there was never any doubt in Abraham’s mind of whether to obey. As Christians study the Bible (God speaking), there is too much questioning and some plain rebellion going on in our minds: “My enemies are too mean to love.” “I cannot forgive you.” “I just can’t go teach, Lord.” “It will only drive them further away if I try to talk to them about their sin.” “I want my children to dress like there friends.”  There a million others I have heard and some I have told myself. Brothers and sisters, when God says it, that settles it and we should obey it without question and without hesitation.
  • Abraham never doubted that God would keep his promise. Isaac was the son of promise through whose seed all nations would be blessed - - but not if he is dead. Abraham had never seen someone raised from the dead, but he had decided that God would do that (Heb. 11:17-19). He was wrong in his reasoning, but not wrong in his faith. Sometimes we question why God let’s or causes some things to happen. God promises that all things will work together for good for those who are the called and who love God (Rom. 8:28). Let’s believe Him.
Let’s obey all the way like Abraham did. Let’s believe in God and believe God like Abraham.
Have a great day.
Studies by Mike Glenn

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Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."