The Fifth Trumpet (Revelation
In Chapter 8 we saw
God selectively using natural calamities and their
resultant consequences to inflict His judgment on
the enemies of righteousness. The fifth woe is a
little different. The consequences here are applied
directly to the unrighteous with the faithful
Christians being excused from the torment. This is
a lot more selective and specific than using an
earthquake to devastate an entire region where
Christians almost certainly lived and had to be
affected in some way.
Looking at
the figurative language it is easy to see that
interpretations of the following chapter have been
diverse and often times unsatisfactory when it
involves literalizing such amazing creatures as we
see depicted here. As with the rest of the visions,
we must look at the overall picture and try and pick
out what the activities are and who is involved in
order to properly understand it. We must also keep
in mind that the message of Revelation is "signified"
as indicated in the first verse of the first chapter
so we cannot expect these creatures to be real. In
fact, they are so incredibly unreal that one would
almost certainly be aware of the fact that they are
symbolic from the sheer degree of the abnormality in
the characteristics they are described with. We
must focus on activities more than actors and on the
characteristics more than the characters. In short,
we have to look more at the forest and less at the
trees. Once we have discerned the forest, then we
can go back and look at the individual trees and use
them to compliment and complete the image of the
First of all,
who are the ones being punished here. Verse
4 reads, "but only such men as have not the seal
of God on their foreheads." Those who have the “seal
of God on their foreheads” is a figurative term
for "the servants of our God" identified in
Revelation 7:3. Those who are not the servants of
God are then going to be the only recipients of this
divine punishment. We have just effectively
eliminated a whole host of millennial beliefs about
this chapter that put these fantastic creatures at
war with Christians. The millennialists have it
backwards. Whatever these creatures represent,
according to God's command, they are no threat
whatsoever to the faithful servants of God.
Faithful Christians have nothing whatsoever to fear
from this plague, it being directed solely on the
unrighteous. This is a key element in trying to
figure out specifically what is being represented in
this scene of the vision so let's keep that in mind
as we move forward.
The next key
component is the realization that the plague of the
fifth trumpet would not kill the enemies of
righteousness. This is not the case with the sixth
but for now, we have a valuable clue to help us
determine what the plague announced by the fifth
trumpet represents. This plague represented by some
pretty fantastic looking locusts is not fatal to all
the enemies of righteousness. In fact, verse 6 says
the afflicted will be so miserable they will desire
to die but they can't. So what we have so far is a
plague represented by locusts, which is going to
afflict only those who are not faithful Christians
and will severely torment them but not be fatal.
The next key
component is seen in verse 10, "And they have
tails like unto scorpions, and stings; and in their
tails is their power to hurt men five months."
The number 5 is representative of human
incompleteness or limited power. This is not a
literal period of 5 months rather is representative
of an incomplete or relatively short period of time
as opposed to a complete destruction or a permanent
affliction. In short, this was something the
enemies of righteousness would recover from over
time. By now it is fairly apparent that the fifth
woe was some sort of terrible non-fatal disease.
But what kind of disease would afflict only those
who are unfaithful to God?
The next clue
is that the power of the locusts to afflict the
non-Christians is found in their tails. The Roman
Empire was known for its decadence and sexual
immorality. With sexual immorality come diseases of
all sorts. Diseases that a faithful Christian who
lives righteously would never ever have to worry
about because they would not be participating in the
activities that promote the spread of such
diseases. Some of these diseases are painful in the
extreme, especially in a society with no knowledge
of antibiotics or other effective treatments for
such maladies. They would simply have to live with
these diseases until they ran their course. History
records that sexually transmitted diseases were
rampant in the Roman Empire. With all of the pagan
worship to manmade gods, many of which included wild
orgiastic rituals, it is not at all surprising. The
practice of homosexuality was also extremely
prevalent in this culture which further promotes the
potential for disease. With the announcement of the
5th woe we see the Roman Empire becoming the victims
of the consequences of their own decadent sexually
unrestrained society. Now looking back at the
locusts with the power to harm contained within
their tails, we need to associate those tails with
the part of the human anatomy involved in the
carrying and transmission of a plague that affects
only those who practice a decadent lifestyle.
Now that we
have a working idea of what the overall vision
represents, we can now look at the specifics.
"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star
from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was
given to him the key of the pit of the abyss."
First, this star represents an individual of some
sort. Notice the keys were "given to him"
and then in verse 2 it says "He opened the pit".
Commentators are divided on who this star
represents. Many able scholars and commentators
believe this star is representative of Satan while
others contend that this is a divine messenger from
heaven such as the angel depicted in Revelation 20:1
who bound satan and cast him into the bottomless
pit. There are difficulties associated with either
view. The former places Satan with a key or the
ability to open a door out of the bottomless pit
with the ability to inflict suffering on the
non-Christians in this instance. The image of Satan
being pictured as a star in Revelation and in
possession of a key to the bottomless pit he is
ultimately going to be thrown into forever is
difficult. However Satan is pictured by Jesus as
falling from heaven like lightning and in Revelation
12:7-9 Satan is said to have been cast out of heaven
into the earth. Noting the text of 9:1 which reads
"fallen unto the earth"; this star whoever it
may represent is a fallen individual whose
destination was the earth. It is difficult to
picture Satan as a star in any form, even a fallen
one in a series of visions where he is so often
depicted as the devil, a serpent or the dragon.
commentators associate the fallen star with the
angel pictured in Revelation 20:1 who descended from
heaven and bound Satan and cast him into the
bottomless pit. The immediate difficulty with this
interpretation is that we cannot discount the fact
that the star had fallen to the earth. There is not
one single account anywhere in scripture that I have
ever seen that visualizes one of God's favored
angels, carrying out their duties in His service as
having fallen from heaven to the earth. Satan
having fallen to the earth is supported in scripture
and as uncomfortable as I am with visualizing Satan
with a key to the bottomless pit, I am forced to go
where the preponderance of evidence leads.
With this
said, let's look to what Satan's authority was on
earth at the time and associate it with this key.
In Revelation 13 we have the vision of the great
beast rising up out of the sea. In verse 4 we read,
"And they worshipped
the dragon which gave power unto the beast".
The dragon pictured in Revelation is always in
reference to Satan so we see here that Satan was
indeed given a considerable amount of power and
authority and this could only come from God. Satan
is depicted elsewhere in scripture as the prince of
this world in John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11, the god of
this world in 2 Corinthians 4:4 and of significance
to this vision, Satan is described as a "ruler of
the darkness of this world" in Ephesians 6:12.
Since Satan is described as the ruler of this world
and the darkness in it, he must be in possession of
the ability to darken and rule it. And the source
of this darkness can be none other than the
bottomless pit from whence he rules. So in this
way, Satan does indeed have a key to the bottomless
pit from which he can release the influences of
darkness and following in verse 2 we see that what
was released from the bottomless pit was smoke and
darkness that covered the earth. The only thing
that the key opened from the abyss was the ability
to send smoke or deception forth which obscured the
light and darkened the earth. The key Satan
possessed had limited capability.
Revelation 9:2
"And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there
went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a
great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened
by reason of the smoke of the pit."
The fallen star released smoke out of the bottomless
pit. Smoke obscures the path and dims the light.
And this smoke was so thick it darkened the air and
the sun. This language is figurative of the the
evil influence and temptation that Satan releases on
the earth. Evil is always described as darkness
and righteousness is always described as light. The
smoke which caused the darkness would be those
things which are at Satan's disposal to tempt
mankind with. The darkness which overspread the sun
and the sky would be then be representative of the
success of Satan's temptation as the majority of
mankind was led away from the light of righteousness
thus allowing the darkness of sin to prevail on the
It is significant to note
here that the key in possession of the fallen star
from heaven released only temptation from the bowels
of the bottomless pit. Satan is not allowed to
force mankind to sin. Mankind either chooses the
light of righteousness or the darkness of sin of his
own free will. God never forces man against his
will, neither does He permit Satan to force man to
sin against his will or to tempt man beyond what he
is able to endure (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Revelation 9:3
"And out of the smoke came forth locusts upon the
earth; and power was given them, as the scorpions of
the earth have power."
Locusts were one of the well known plagues of Egypt
as written in Exodus 10:4-20. To God's own people
He later said that if they would turn away from Him
and commit sin, He would bring locusts upon them to
destroy their land (Deuteronomy 28:38). Locusts
were used by God as written in Joel 1-2 to bring
God's wayward people back to Himself. The locusts
in this vision are therefore certainly representative
of a plague. 1 Kings 8:35-37 teaches us that God
sent natural pestilences and famine on the
unrighteous in order to bring them to repentance, "When
heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because
they have sinned against thee; if they pray toward
this place, and confess thy name, and turn from
their sin, when thou dost afflict them: then hear
thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants,
and of thy people Israel, when thou teachest them
the good way wherein they should walk; and send rain
upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people
for an inheritance. If there be in the land famine,
if there be pestilence, if there be blasting (or)
mildew, locust (or) caterpillar; if their enemy
besiege them in the land of their cities; whatsoever
plague, whatsoever sickness there be".
Notice that the plague came
out of the smoke and not directly from the fallen
star. Satan, the fallen star sends the smoky
darkness of sin to cover the light and from this
darkness is spawned all the ravages, ruin, sickness
and destruction which afflicted the unrighteous.
Retribution does not come directly from Satan,
rather it comes from God as a consequence of sin.
Power was given to this
plague represented by locusts similar to the power
of a scorpion. A scorpion's power is in his tail to
sting and to cause pain and suffering. We will see
more of this power in the tail of scorpion in verse
5 and again in verse 10.
Revelation 9:4
"And it was said unto them that they should not
hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green
thing, neither any tree, but only such men as have
not the seal of God on their foreheads."
This plague represented by
locusts is said to cause no harm to grass or trees
or anything with vegetation. This is all the
evidence we need to determine that these are not
literal locusts in view here. Literal locusts
destroy nothing but vegetation as they sweep across
a land eating the leaves off of nearly every plant
in their wake. These locusts are different from
literal locusts and they are told to afflict only
the people who "have not the seal of God on their
foreheads". As seen earlier those who bear the
figurative seal of God on their foreheads are
identified as servants of God in Revelation 7:3, so
this plague is specifically targeted at the
Revelation 9:5
"And it was given them that
they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented five months: and their torment was as the
torment of a scorpion, when it striketh a man."
This plague was not completely
fatal to all that were afflicted by it. The number
5 is half of 10 and represented human incompleteness
or limited power, therefore this plague was limited
in its ability to kill. People afflicted by this
plague would be able to get over it and survive.
The torment of this plague
was said to be like being stung by a scorpion when
it strikes. Again we see a picture of the
scorpion's tail. So what we have here is a plague
which is generally non-fatal and afflicts people for
a limited period of time stretching into months and
is associated with the stinging tail or the hinder
parts of a scorpion.
Revelation 9:6
"And in those days men shall seek death, and
shall in no wise find it; and they shall desire to
die, and death fleeth from them."
This plague is going to be so miserable that
those who are afflicted with it are going to wish
they were dead. However, death is not going to be
found. The afflicted are going to be forced to bear
the pain and torment as a consequence of their sin
until they get over it.
Revelation 9:7
"And the shapes of the locusts were like unto
horses prepared for war; and upon their heads as it
were crowns like unto gold, and their faces were as
men's faces."
John is giving us a description of the plague. With
figurative language it is important to focus on the
characteristics and not the characters. These
locusts are not literal locusts, rather they are
representative of a plague. The characters used to
depict this plague are not any more literal than the
locusts are. This plague is not a horse prepared
for war. It is like a horse prepared for war.
Looking into the old testament we see the plagues of
locusts as prophesied by Joel in chapters 1 and 2.
In chapter 2:4-6 we read: "The appearance of them
is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so
do they run. Like the noise of chariots on the tops
of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a
flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a
strong people set in battle array. At their
presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces are
waxed pale." Christians familiar with old
testament teachings are not going to associate these
horses prepared for war as anything good. This
plague is going to overrun the unrighteous with such
force and power that it's going to be like an army
of warhorses sweeping over them.
The crowns of gold are the
crowns of conquest. This plague is going to conquer
the unrighteous but from earlier text we know that
this is not a permanent conquest and that the
afflicted are going to survive. The men's faces
indicate that this plague is associated with men or
mankind in general. The face or its features is a
primary means of identification for people. When
the first readers looked at the characteristics of
this plague, they saw in its face the faces of men.
This plague is not associated with the earth by
floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters. It
is associated and identified with mankind as a
consequence of their own corrupt and immoral
Revelation 9:8
"And they had hair as the hair of women, and
their teeth were as (teeth) of lions."
With the face of mankind and hair of women. This
plague had an alluring tempting characteristic to
it. It was appealing and beautiful but with all its
beauty it carried with it the characteristic of
lions teeth rending and tearing. This plague was
deceptive giving out the appearance of beauty but
having the rending savage bite of lion's teeth
hidden within. Such it is with all sin. Satan
successfully disguises sin from being the ugly
dangerous thing it is, masking its true appearance
in ways that are appealing to the senses. James
teaches us in chapter 1 starting in verse 14; "but
each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his
own lust, and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath
conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is
fullgrown, bringeth forth death". The plague in
Revelation which came from the darkness was no
different than any sin which looks good on the
surface but underneath is the way of death.
Revelation 9:9
"And they had breastplates, as it were
breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings
was as the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing
to war."
This plague did not have literal breastplates of
iron, rather this imagery illustrates the power and
resistance of the plague. It's resilient, strong
and hard to overcome. Again we see similar imagery
to what was written in Joel regarding the plagues
God sent during that time. They were like a
conquering army sweeping across the land like an
army of horses would sweep across the landscape.
Unstoppable, powerful, relentless and without mercy,
striking down all who are unrighteous and
participate in the immoral and decadent activities
which were prevalent in this society. Keeping in
mind that this plague was targeted specifically
toward the unrighteous. The righteous had nothing
to fear from this plague but to the unrighteous,
this plague was armor plated.
Revelation 9:10
"And they have tails like unto scorpions, and
stings; and in their tails is their power to hurt
men five months."
This is almost a repeat of verse 5 except that in
verse 5 we learned that this plague was non-lethal.
In verse 5 the tail of the scorpion as the source of
the torment is alluded to in vague terms, however
here it is specifically mentioned in this capacity.
The power of this plague is found in the tail and it
torments for a limited period of time. As mentioned
earlier, diseases brought about by a sexually
prolific society were rampant in the Roman Empire.
Their society was noted for unrestrained
homosexuality, orgiastic behavior associated with
worship to sexual pagan Gods and widespread
prostitution especially towards the Roman soldiers.
The Roman soldiers carrying these various diseases
and visiting the houses of prostitution in each town
spread them all over the empire as they traveled
from city to city. History records that sexually
transmitted diseases of all kinds were of epidemic
proportions and caused all kinds of misery and
torment for the ones afflicted.
A faithful Christian,
abiding faithfully under the rule of Christ would
never ever have to worry this plague. These locusts
with the faces of men, hair of women, teeth of lions
and tails like scorpions would have no effect on a
faithful Christian. Even today we know that the
best defense against these kinds of diseases is to
refrain totally from these kinds of activities.
With our technology today we have things like blood
transfusions which can infect the innocent, but
these kinds of things were not possible in the Roman
Empire. Faithful Christians living in the Roman
Empire who practiced celibacy for the unmarried and
monogamy for the married had nothing to fear from
sexually transmitted diseases and with extremely
rare exceptions this holds true today. In the 21st
century we have a plague worse than the Roman Empire
ever faced. We have one today that kills and can be
transmitted from the pregnant mother to her unborn
child. This disease is a direct consequence of
homosexual activity. The Roman Empire never faced
AIDS but we do today. And sadly, the cure for the
spread of this epidemic is the same as it was for
the Romans. The Christian life, faithfully lived
would eventually end the spread of this and all such
diseases associated with this immoral type of
In the very first chapter
of Paul's letter to the Romans, he alluded
specifically to the consequences of this kind of
immoral lifestyle. It is obvious from the tone of
Paul's language that this sort of thing was
widespread among the Romans and in his letter he
said that, "God gave them up in the lusts of
their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies
should be dishonored among themselves: for that they
exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped
and served the creature rather than the Creator, who
is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave
them up unto vile passions: for their women changed
the natural use into that which is against nature:
and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use
of the woman, burned in their lust one toward
another, men with men working unseemliness, and
receiving in themselves that recompense of their
error which was due" (Romans 1:24-27).
Revelation 9:11
"They have over them as king the angel of the
abyss: his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the
Greek (tongue) he hath the name Apollyon."
We know who the angel of the abyss is. This is none
other than Satan himself, the deceiver, the Devil,
the great red dragon. Abaddon means "destroying
angel", and Apollyon means a "destroyer". Jesus is
recorded as seeing Satan fall from heaven like
lightning, (Luke 10:18). Satan is pictured in
Revelation 12:3 as the great red dragon having seven
diadems with seven crowns as ruling over those who
are at war with God and His purpose. Satan is the
source of all that is evil and from that comes the
manifestation of all the consequences of evil, both
on earth and in eternity hereafter.
Revelation 9:12
"The first Woe is past: behold, there come yet
two Woes hereafter."
This again tells us that this woe is temporary and
it isn't over yet. There is more heartache in store
for the evil Roman Empire.
Summary Paraphrase:
Then the fifth angel blew
his trumpet, and I saw one who was once a great
power in heaven but had fallen from the sky to the
earth; and to him was given a key to the bottomless
pit. Then he opened the abyss and darkness like the
smoke of a huge furnace came out of the opening and
was so great that it darkened the sun and the sky.
Then out of the darkness came forth a great plague
like swarms of locusts on the earth, and power was
granted to it as the power the earth's scorpions
have. They were told not to eat the vegetation of
the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only
to attack the people who are not living faithfully
before God. They were not permitted to kill the
unrighteous, but only to torment them for a period
of time. And this torment was like the pain caused
by a scorpion's sting. And when this plague
strikes, the afflicted will crave death but it will
flee from them.
This plague in the vision
was like a thundering stampede of horses trampling
everything in its path. It was identified with the
faces of men wearing golden crowns. Long beautiful
women's hair make it look appealing but the outward
beauty only concealed the ravaging teeth of lions
behind it. This plague is so hard to get over it
seemed to be plated with armor and swiftly overtook
the unrighteous like a vast number of horse drawn
chariots going to war. This plague tormented the
unrighteous for months at a time and it came from
within the tail of the locusts and its affliction
was like the sting of scorpions. And Satan, the
angel of the abyss, also known as the destroyer of
righteousness rules over the plague like a king.
This plague when it is
finished is not the end of things for there are two
more woes yet to come upon the enemies of