Our Great and
Awesome God
Text: Psalm 139
This psalm is
sometimes called “the crown of the Psalms.” David here paints a
portrait of God probably surpassed in beauty. A tribute to Jehovah
God in which David presents the makeup of God and his
characteristics for all humanity to see. The rider pictures him as
all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful, and finally, all-holy.
Our God is all-knowing- omniscient
(verses 1- 6)
David begins with an address of respect and
reverence,” O Lord”. David the inferior addresses God the superior.
God knows man so thoroughly and completely that he even knows the
number of times we sit down and rise up. He knows that for every
single person on earth! He has perfect knowledge, not just when we
gather to worship him, but even of our personal lives. He knows all
our movements and paths that we will take. He even knows the words
we are going to say as well as our very thoughts. Read the words in
one Kings 8: 39. God knows our motives better than we do. Verse 6
then tells us that Jehovah's knowledge was too high and too complete
for the psalmist to reach or contemplate for a very long period.
God's wisdom far exceeds the combined wisdom of all people who have
ever lived. Man is finite- God is infinite. No wonder Isaiah wrote
these words (Isaiah 55: 8, 9)
Our God is all-seeing - omnipresent
(verses 7-12)
David portrays God as being present everywhere at the
same time. God is not bound by time or space.
(Verse 7) We cannot hide from God. It makes no
difference where we go. He is always there. Listen to the words of
the Lord in Jeremiah 23: 23, 24.
(Verse 8) even entering hail-- the place of departed
spirits between death and judgment. This place is called hades in
the New Testament; there is no escape (Hebrews 4: 13 ).
(verse 9) If the writer could fly along on the light
rays of the morning to the farthest point away, God would still be
(Verse 10) This is a positive note. God's hand,
regardless of where you are, is there to guide you, protect you, and
hold you up. This is a beautiful thought in Psalm 63: 6-8.
(Verses 11 and 12) The darkness of night provides no
cover from God's presence. He sees in the darkness as well as in the
light (Job 34: 22). We can also draw comfort from the fact that God
sees through the darkness, so he always knows our whereabouts. If we
are in trouble or distress, he is always present with us.
Our God is all-powerful and omnipotent
(verses 13- 18)
This is a beautiful and inspiring section within this
Psalm. Our God possesses the power to create life and perform vast
miracles. This is seen in such verses as Colossians 1: 16. He has
the power to rule the governments of men. The most high rules in the
kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he chooses (Daniel 4: 25)
the soul must, in these verses, focus attention on
God's creative power, especially in reference to man. And God is
pictured here as the maker of us; he created our body, personality,
thinking, and emotions. This is what makes us who we are. This
almost praises God because the human body was so marvelously
constructed (verse 15) that our very bones were known to God as he
made us, woven together. Each of us is a unique piece of God's
handiwork. A marvelous concept!
(Verse 16) from the very time of conception, God knew
exactly what David would be. He knows that of us as well.
(Verses 17, 18) the rider marvels at God's power and
his ability to create life. It is a fact that God is always there,
even while we sleep
Our God is all holy – omnipure (verses
19- 24)
David petitions the all-holy God to punish the wicked
enemies of God (Psalm 9: 17). Just as God knows the hearts of the
righteous, he knows the hearts of the unrighteous. Because these are
God's enemies, they are also David's enemies. He is filled with
righteous indignation. He knows Jehovah is all holy, so he desires
these unholy men to be destroyed.
David then implores God to search the psalmist's
heart for any and all wickedness so it can be removed. First and
foremost, he wants to be right with God and be led in the way
everlasting, which leads to eternal life.
Since God is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful,
and holy, should we not respect God's way? The way to eternal life
is through his son (John 14: 6 ). This way begins with faith in
Christ and leads one to repent, confess, and be immersed for the
forgiveness of sins. This is followed by a life of holiness, love of
God, and hatred of evil. Does God see any wickedness in your
heart? If so, ask him to remove it.
Sermon prepared by
Bobby Stafford
Prepared by Bobby
The church of
Christ at Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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