Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good
works: Hebrew 10:24.We are very much grateful to God who
blessed me with the chance gave me chance to continue the
lord’s work in 2013. We are praying for you and all of your
family members for good health and health in His love.
Please find the work report of December 2012 to February
2013. It is possible for me to continue the Lord’s work
with your help and prayers. Thank you much.
We thank God for His Great Love for us; (John 3:16)
We thank Jesus Christ for dying for us.( II Corinthians
We thank God for allowing His spirit to live in us. (I
Corinthians 3:16)
We thank the Lord God for the church purchased with Blood of
Christ (Acts 20:28)
We thank God for His holey word (II Timothy 3:16,17)
We thank God for faithful brethren who give their lives to
preach the Gospel (I Corinthians 9:16)
We thank God for saints who extend their hands (with
financial help too) to feed the Orphans, widows and starving
(Mathew 25:31-46)
We thank God for those who support preachers all over the
world. (Romans 10:12-18)
We thank God for those who pray for the spread of the Gospel
everywhere. (Ephesians 6:18-20)
We thank God for those who pray for us to travel several
new villages to plant the seed. Mark 1:38.
We thank God for those who help us to train the men to
preach and serve.(
Baptisms 4
Responses 18(hopefully they will baptized in to Christ soon)
Worship in 8 congregations.
Had Bible classed in 3 congregations.
Had private 158 bible studies.
Visited 29 sic.
Conducted 16 family family prayers.
Conducted 6 Gospel meetings.
Preached in a Funeral Narasaraopet.
Started aged feeding for 23 in Makkenvaripalem church of
Reopened Living stone Preachers Training School.
Continue to take care of 6 years old diabetic girl.
Continue to aged feeding in Subbaiahpalem church of Christ.
Building the Ganesupalem thanda church of Christ building.
Continue to conduct preachers get to gather.
Continue to help now and them for kidney failure women who
is not a Christian.
Songs books.
Travelled many miles.
4 New Souls added:-I am glad to inform you that Today
on 14th two souls added to the Lord's church. Their names
are Dodda Siva and Nelamma. They are blood brother and
sister. But they are brother and sister in Christ too. I
baptized them at the small colony ner by Narsaraoept. Name
of the colony is Cheekati Colony And two souls added to the
Lord's chruch in Kancharagunta chruch of Christ on Sunday
16th . Their name are boy name is Gonvindu age about 40 and
girl's name is Nagalalshmi, age about 30 . They are wife and
husband. Please pray for this new souls.
New works:-
We had chance to visit two tribal villages and preached for
them. I am expecting some good results in those two tribal
areas near to Ganesupalem thanda, church of Christ, Guntru
district, AP. India. There are about more than 40 tribal
villages in this area. Some of them are in other
denominations and some are Hindus. I am visiting these
villages with the preacher students and trying to find
possibilities and also have private bible studies with some
of them . We have some good response in those areas.
Hopefully we will have chance to start some new
congregations in this area.
Church Building works in Progress:-
I am glad to inform you that Ganesupalem thanda church of
Christ building work is in progress. You know it is
located and for triabal area congregation (lambadi thanda it
is tribal cast in India) . Ganesupalem thandain Guntur
District. Andhra Pradesh, India, We are able to complete the
plinth beam and columns. And also filled with gravel lower
part of the building to raise the foundation level. The size
of the building is 12 feet X 24 feet. We are working to
build the rcc roof ( roof with concrete and steel) on this
columns in this of March 2013.
Prices raised very Highly:-Our
major food is rice. Yesterday the cost of rice raised
from(100 kilgrams) 4000 Rupees to 4500. It is a very big
problem, because we don't have rain and crops this year.
Please pray for it. And all of the vegetables cost,
cosmetics cost, diesel and petrol cost, electricity cost
also raised.
Thanks giving Prayer meeting:-Thanks
giving prayer meeting in the house of M.Nageswararao who
relieved from the Dengue fever.
Living Stone Preachers Training
We reopened Living Stone Preachers Training School in Durgi.
Now we have 4 students in this school. We are conducting
this school 3 days in a month. It will be useful for if I
train some in that area. I understand that It is not
possible to go every place started by me. So I planned to
train some in each area and try to see them in their own
villages and congregations. We went to some surrounding
villages also as a team.
Preachers Get to gather
:-I continue to conduct preachers get to gather in the
village Vinukonda. We have 19 preachers attending to the
preachers get to gather. I invited the preachers who are
working with me in the surrounding villages. I had chance
to have bible study with 5 denominational preachers. I hope
they will obey the Gospel at the nearest day.
Aged Feeding:-
We started aged feeding in Makkenavaripalem in the month of
January. Now we are able to provide one meal every day for
23 people. I saw the smiling faces when they are eating in
the building. They are very thankful for your kind help. I
have a widow sister there who is preparing the food for all
of these aged people. I will to do this feeding program in
every needed congregation.
Songs Books:
I distributed 23 songs books for the needy brothers and
sisters in the congregations and gave 45 books to a
preacher to distribute in his congregation. They are very
thankful for you for your kind help.
Visiting the sic:-I visited and prayed for 29 sic
people and also visited a sister who is suffering with
kidneys failure. I visited these people and also some other
Bro.Lakkepogu Lingaiah who is suffering with paralysis. One
aged widows is on the bed not able take any food. Her name
is Mariyamma.
Visiting the non Christian Families:-
I visited some 21 Hindu families in this month. I find that
two families from Subbaiahpalem village interested in the
word of Lord and I invited her to the services. I visited 3
times their families.
My family:- My younger daughter needs your
prayers very much. My other two children are doing well. My
wife Vijaya and Older daughter teach for the kids at the
evening hours. My son assisting me in the work.
Prayer requests and Needs:
1. Prayer for the Living Stone preachers Training
School which is reopened by us recently.
2. Looking several more kids to come to our home also
to the school. They need our care and prayers.
3. Working in some other new villages, prayers need for
my safety and also new works.
4. Have to repair Subbaiahpalem church of Christ
5. Still I am trying to find a good land for the Indian
Christian school and Orphan Home land. You know that it is
very expensive to buy land here in India. And because of no
rain and crops all of the real-estate fell down verily. So
that land cost down. So it is good time to buy the land for
the school and home. We need your prayers very much for
it. I am working on it.
All of my family and the children who are in our care are
convey their hearty thanks to you all for your kind prayers
and encouragement and financial help. You are in our in
daily prayers and Children are praying for you and all of
your family members.
Please feel free to ask any question if you have any . It is
possible to be able to continue this work because of your
kind encouragement and prayerful financial help. I need
your prayers to do more for the Lord and to continue the
We pray our God shall supply all your need according to His
riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Amen.
In the Love of the Lord.
Yours Brother in Christ
B.Bharath Bhushan
Please visit:
Baptisms at the church of
Christ in Kanchragunta |