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Church of Christ Sermon Outlines on Prayer

Pray for all men

Paul's letter to Timothy presents a great guidebook on the life of the church—how to worship and serve God and how to live together. God desires that his people lead a certain kind of life. An essential ingredient for that was for them to pray for all men.

Text: 1 Timothy 2: 1, 2



December 22,  2024
Bobby Stafford

Paul’s Prayer of Thanks

Paul begins this letter to Timothy by urging him to command those in Ephesus to teach only the doctrine of Christ. It was the only thing that could save mankind. Read verse 11 aloud. Paul states that the gospel had been committed to his trust. Proclaiming that gospel was a grave responsibility and a wonderful privilege. The eternal destiny of many precious souls depended upon him preaching that glorious gospel, the doctrine of Christ. In the next few verses, 12-17, he shows his gratitude to God.

Lesson text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17



Pray For All Men

Paul's letter to Timothy is a great guidebook on the life of the church, how to worship and serve God, and how to live together. God desires that his people lead a certain kind of life. The essential ingredient for that was for them to pray for all men.

Text: 1 Timothy 2: 1, 2

Bobby Stafford

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Paul’s Prayer Of Thanks

Paul begins this letter to Timothy by urging him to command those in adversity only the doctrine of Christ. It was the only thing that could save them And us by extension. Now let's read verse 11. Paul states that the gospel had been committed to his trust. Proclaiming that gospel was a grave responsibility and a wonderful privilege. The eternal destiny of many precious souls depended upon him preaching that glorious gospel, The doctrine of Christ. In the next few verses, 12-17, he shows us his gratitude to God.

Text: one Timothy 1: 12-17

Bobby Stafford

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A House of Prayer
 (Click title to open the full lesson)


Jesus, in Matthew 21:13, quotes Isaiah 56 which says that the temple, the house of God, was to be a house of prayer.  “And He said to them, ‘It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.’ ” NKJV  This denoted the spiritual nature of God’s house, both then and now.  Paul tells Timothy in I Timothy 3:15 that the church today is the house of God and the principle remains the same – God’s people, the church, are to be collectively a house of prayer.  (I Timothy 3:15) “but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” NKJV


We are to see the importance, the necessity, of being a praying people, those who are always in a spirit of prayer and pray regularly.


I.            Great Men of God Have Always Been Men of Prayer

II.          Jesus is our Greatest Example of a Man of Prayer

III.        How to Become a House of Prayer

Bobby Stafford  August 26, 2018

Fervent in Prayer
 (Click title to open the full lesson)



As the inspired Biblical writer James expressed it in James 5:16b: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” New King James Version  As the New American Standard Version puts it:  “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”  The apostle Paul wrote this about Epaphras in Colossians 4:12.  “Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.” NKJV  Fervent prayer is much needed today in the Lord’s church.  As Brother Fulford wrote:  “Deep, sincere prayer is hard, agonizing work!”  This lesson will examine what prayer consists of, for what I should pray, and the need for gratitude in prayer.

I.  What Prayer Consists of 

II.  For What Should I Pray?

III.  The Need for Gratitude in Prayer


Without prayer, a Christian will die spiritually.  Let us truly be a people devoted to prayer.

Bobby Stafford September 3, 2017

 (Click title to open the full lesson)


Luke 11:9, 10

1.      Yes

A.    God may say yes to our prayer requests just as we thought He would.

B.     He will be more likely to answer our prayers when we are putting Him first in our lives.

C.     Conditions for God to say Yes

2.      Yes, but not yet.

A.    In His time

B.     When we do ask God for something and His answer appears to be “yes, but wait”……

1.      We need to have patience

2.      We must continue to ask, continue to knock, and continue to seek

3.      Yes, but not as you think

A.    Sometimes He answers our prayers in a different way than we expected.

B.     Do not think that we can limit God’s options.

4.      No

A.    There are times where God denies our requests.

B.     What we can do when God says “no.”

C.     Sometimes God will say no as any good parent will have to do, and have to do frequently.

 (Click title to open the full lesson)


In the beginning, God gave His creation (mankind), something called “free will.” The ability to make decisions on our own—to decide whether to do something or not. While we often think about free will in terms of making moral choices, have you thought about free will in terms of making moral choices? Have you thought about free will in terms of your prayer life? Listen to James 4:2b-3:

You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

This text reveals a vital fact—we choose to communicate with God or choose not to! He will not intervene where we do not want Him. So why should we choose to pray? What reasons are there?

1.     To Seek The Face of The Lord

2.     To Unburden Your Heart

3.     To Be Free of Suffering

4.     To Resist Temptation

5.     To Enjoy Life

It is a privilege to speak to God and know He listens. 1 Peter 3:12:

When we pray:

1.     Tell the Lord how much you love Him.

2.     Thank him for all He has done for you.

3.     State how dependent you are upon Him.

4.     Tell Him everything that is in your heart.

5.     Confess anything that is in your heart.

6.     Give Him all your requests.

7.     Praise Him for working in your life.

“Don’t leave your life to chance.”

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The Sermons, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ
and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any
of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109