One very
important reason for studying Scripture is to strengthen our prayer
lives. Learning God’s Word informs us how and for what to pray.
Meditating on who God is as He reveals Himself in His Word
influences our petitions to Him. We want to focus on one prayer
recorded in
Colossians 1:9-14
by the apostle Paul. By learning what it says, we can pray it with
Colossians 1:9-14
I. Paul
Hears about Them
(Verse 9a)
Paul writes
to a church he didn’t plant – Christians he had not seen
before. Even though he had never visited them, he is praying
for them. (Verses 3-4) This should make us consider how
extensive our prayer list is. Is it just our close family and
friends? Let’s be like Paul and pray for those we have never
consistently and regularly prays for them. This is similar to
Some things we need to pray for again and again. These are
things we need and others need. Prayer helps us live and serve
as His disciples.
“And so,”
for this reason – Paul links thanksgiving and prayer. (Verses
3-7) When he hears good things about a church, he thanks God
for it and prays for an increase. What does this tell us about
our own prayers? Should we not be doing the same?
II. Paul
Petitions God
(Verse 9b)
To fill
them with knowledge of God’s will How does this happen? (Psalms
His will for us is revealed in His Word. (II
Timothy 3:15-16)
He desires
not only that they come to know His will; but that they do His
will. (Romans
Knowing and doing His will results in a change for good.
wisdom and understanding” Knowledge of God’s will is more than
just agreeing with a certain set of commands. It consists of
wisdom and spiritual understanding. This allows us to see
Christ as our sole source of authority and keep us from being
deceived by false religions. (Colossians
Many today in the religious world are led astray by every new
thing that comes along. We need to pray regularly to our Father
that our knowledge, wisdom, and understanding will increase.
III. Paul
Wants Them to Be Pleasing to the Lord
(Verses 10-14)
The purpose
of Paul’s praying is that they would be pleasing to the Lord.
“Fully pleasing” – pleasing in every way
We can’t be
pleasing to the Lord without being filled with knowledge of His
will. But knowledge by itself isn’t enough. It must be put into
our lives.
Paul then
describes what putting knowledge to work looks like:
We cannot please the Lord without bearing fruit. (Ephesians
Good works – God’s Word is filled with different good works.
in Knowledge
Never be satisfied with our level of knowledge. (I
Peter 2:2)
We need to have great endurance and patience. This includes
stamina to hold up during difficult times and the ability
to bear the burdens of suffering with patience. (Matthew
thanks with all joy
We should thank God for our inheritance, for being
transferred from Satan’s kingdom to Christ’s kingdom.
God’s people
are to be people of prayer. When we consider that in His Son we
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins; we will regularly go to
the Father with a joyful heart.
Bobby Stafford
November 27,
What Must One Do to become a
Christian and be saved?