Women and 1
Timothy 2: 8-15
In our study of
women's roles, we have seen that God has given men and women
different functions and responsibilities and does not make one
inferior. In 1 Timothy, the apostle Paul is writing to a young
preacher and instructing him on how to deal with church life. He
directs him to follow God's orders for the congregation and correct
those who would teach something different. Notice 1 Timothy 3: 14,
15 and 1 Timothy 1: 3-7.
Our particular text
for this lesson, 1 Timothy 2: 8- 15, Falls within a broader
section—chapters two and three—that focus on worship and church
organization. Both of these chapters deal with leadership among
God's people.
Notice the verses
right before our text (verses 1-7): teach that all of us must submit
to God and Christ. He also informs his readers why they must listen
to his instructions. He is an inspired apostle.
Text: 1 Timothy
2: 8-15
Men and women's conduct in worship
(verses 8-10 )
“I desire” - a command from an apostle- therefore a
divine command.
word for adult males. Must lead the prayers in all places where the
assembly meets for worship.
“Lifting up holy hands” is a figure of speech describing the holy,
spiritual lives of those leading prayers.
“Without wrath and doubting,” - they cannot harbor anger nor be
quarrelsome. Those who lead public prayers should be carefully
telling the men how to conduct themselves during periods of worship,
he now turns to the women.
“Apparel” - Their dress is not to be shameful or indecent, not
improper, but appropriate for one in whose presence you are.
Clothing is to be discreet and moderate, not extravagant or showy.
A woman should not call attention to herself, this would be the
opposite of having a submissive spirit. Instead of adorning herself
with sleazy and elaborate dress, she should rather adorn herself
with good works. Others should know her for spending her time
visiting the sick, etc, than shopping for clothes.
Possibly, in these 3 verses, Paul is contrasting a tendency for
women to dress inappropriately and for men to argue. Both would keep
them from following God's role for each.
Man and women's role in worship (verses
Paul wants women to learn- and receive instruction.
(Some of the most knowledgeable Bible students I've known were
“In silence” can mean either the absence of sound or
a gentle attitude.
“With all submission” - entire submissiveness. The
definition of the Greek word is a readiness to renounce 1's own will
for the sake of others and subordinate oneself in every respect.
This does not imply that women are inferior to men,
rather that god gave each different roles.
In verse 12, paul limits a woman's activity in a
church setting. A woman is not allowed to teach over a man or have
authority over a man. This does not mean she cannot teach at all
because he is to teach in certain circumstances (see Titus 2 ).
Women are not to teach or exercise authority over men in any other
way. Any church-type setting or worship setting. Rather she is to be
submissive. The Christian males are to have leadership roles.
This would forbid her from leading men in prayer,
preaching, or teaching in worship assemblies where men are present,
leading the singing, presiding at the Lord's table, etc. Recall Paul
is instructing with divine authority!
God's reasons for these restrictions
(verses 13- 15 )
Paul now answers questions as to why women are not to
have authority over men during periods of worship.
“Adam was formed first." Notice this
has nothing to do with the culture or customs of the first century
but goes all the way back to creation! This certainly does not mean
that women are to be submissive to men because Adam happened to come
first. Rather, God created Adam for a reason to indicate the
leadership God intended for men. This shows the relationship God
intended between men and women. Paul affirms this in 1 Corinthians
11: 8- 9, when he says that man is not from women but women from
men. Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man.
Notice this order of creation does not imply superiority (example of
the older brother). God does inform us that man has the
responsibility to provide leadership, or, as Paul puts it, the head
of the woman is the man. men do not often assume this role.
Adam was not deceived. Paul continues
to explain why women are to be submissive in worship. Eve violated
the principle of male leadership by taking the lead in eating the
fruit and getting Adam to do the same. Read Genesis 3: 6. Adam was
seemingly right there with Eve and should have stepped in to protect
her period. Adam was cursed as a result- C Genesis 3: 17-19. What is
especially words of verse 17 to Adam- “because you have heeded the
voice of your wife” Adam allowed his wife to take the lead instead
of him being the head as God directed. Eve should have submitted to
her husband, and because she did not; notice Genesis 3: 16. Paul
reminds us in 1 Timothy 2: 13, 14 that God made men and women with
different roles. This is especially true in worship.
Finally, women can be kept safe from
taking leadership roles preserved for men by following their own
God-given role in the home - especially as seen in caring for their
family. This is similar to Paul's admonition in Titus 2: 4-5. When
she properly controls her desires and lives a life of faith, love,
and holiness while confining herself to God's natural order, she
will find favor insight of both God and man.
from the creation
of man and woman, God has intended for each to have separate
functions or roles. These roles do not imply any inferiority at all.
God knows what functions were best for men and what ones were best
for women. After all, he made them! Let each of us do our best to
fulfill those roles. While God has made a distinction between men
and women regarding function, salvation is offered to all. Whoever
chooses to obey the gospel.
Sermon prepared by
Bobby Stafford
Prepared by Bobby
The church of
Christ at Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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