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Church of Christ Sermons & Lessons 2023

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We at the Church of Christ in Granby, MO provide online audio sermons from sound preachers and teachers in the Lord's church.  These sermons are sound and are available for download and use in teaching, edification and evangelism.  This material is organized by date in the order they were presented. 

It is our desire to spread the Word of Truth to all people on the face of the Earth.  We feel these sermons reflect only that which can be found and authorized within the holy scriptures.   We encourage everyone to read or listen to these sermons.  If at any time, something is found within any of these sermons which is contrary to the teachings found within the scriptures, let us know.  We will be glad to set up a bible study with you, and together, we will search the scriptures for the truth.


Church of Christ Sermons and Lessons for 2023

How to Resist
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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Using Our Time Wisely Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Sinners In The Hands Of God Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif


Bobby Stafford

Nehemiah Lesson 1 Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif


Bobby Stafford

Bobby Stafford

Nehemiah Lesson 2

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Bobby Stafford

Bobby Stafford

Nehemiah Lesson 3

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Bobby Stafford

Bobby Stafford

Nehemiah Lesson 4

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Bobby Stafford

Bobby Stafford

Nehemiah Lesson 5

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Bobby Stafford

God Has Spoken
We Must Listen
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Bobby Stafford

Paul's Final Message To Titus

Paul brings his letter to Titus 2A close by advising him on how to avoid division in the church and by expressing gratitude for faithful workers.

Text:  Titus 3:9-15,

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

The Word of God

Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else
God chose to reveal His will to mankind and His Word is recorded for us in scripture.  Contained within God’s Word are numerous statements that help us to learn about it.  God’s Word establishes itself as being complete, preserved and authoritative in our Christian lives.  The purpose of this lesson is to examine what God’s Word teaches about itself so we can have faith and confidence in it as our guide for living on earth and our instructions for getting home to live with our God and Father in Heaven forever.

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David Hersey

According To His Mercy

What motivates you to attend services?  What motivates you to live a godly life?  What motivates you to maintain good works?  The text for this lesson is a motivational one to inspire us to live a more dedicated life.

Text: Titus 3:3-8,

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

Remind Them

Paul instructed Titus to teach Christians on Crete to LIVE above the world. The world's behavior is sick, immoral and corrupt. A Christians behavior should be healthy, sound; Setting an example of good works based on pure motives- love of god and love of fellow man.

Text:  Titus 3:1-3,

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

The Grace Of God Has Appeared

Introduction: Paul has been instructing Titus on the proper conduct required for Christians of all ages and gender. So why should men conduct themselves in a godly manner? Because of the grace of God!

Text: Titus 2: 11-15

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

Lessons From 2 Chronicles 15 Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Proper Conduct

Recall the words of Titus 2: one. Proper for sound doctrine. Teaching that is spiritually healthy and wholesome which leads to godly conduct. Paul has already addressed older men, older women, younger women period now he turns his attention to young men and then servants (slaves).

Text: Titus 2: 6-10

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

Justification Only Under the Gospel
Acts 13:39
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David Hersey

How older women show their maturity

Paul instructed Titus to teach sound, healthy doctrine. This healthy teaching strengthens the family which contrasts with false doctrine that subverts whole households. (Titus 1:11). Part of this wholesome teaching was about the importance of older women and their role in the Lord's church, they're good they could accomplish by being actively involved in the lord's work. This is stressed in our text.

Text: Titus 2: 1, 3-5.

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

The Attractive Attributes of Older Men

Introduction: All of us need to recognize the value of the older men and women who have labored in the Lord's church for many years. They have wisdom common talents, & abilities that can be of great benefit to the cause of Christ. May we never make them feel unneeded or unwanted in the Lord's church. As Tom Holland so aptly put it, the younger need the older to show them the ways. That is the theme of our text.

Text: Titus 2:1-3

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Book of Titus

Bobby Stafford

The Tribulation Part 1
Matthew 24:1-27
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Bobby Stafford

The Glory Of The Temple

Jews had been allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple The temple.  They built the foundation and stopped for 15 to 16 years.  Haggai stirs them up and they begin again he delivers four separate messages during a four month period.  Haggai stirs them up and they begin again he delivers four separate messages during a four month. This message, the second about a month after work is restarted During the feast of tabernacles Of tabernacles.  They dwelt in booths which were temporary shelters for seven days.

Text:  Haggai 2:1-9

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

The Spirits In Prison

introduction:  (mid 60s AD) 1st Peter written during time of intense persecution. Countless Christians were suffering for their faith. (1 Peter 3:13-17  encourage to follow the example of their master, Jesus Christ.

Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Take Up His Cross

introduction: being a faithful disciple of our Lord doesn't just happen. We must first count cost of following Christ and then follow through with a lifelong commitment period it is this very thing that Jesus addresses in our text.

Text: Matthew 16:21-27

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Why I Should Become A Christian
In becoming a Christian, a person must make a deliberate choice. So why should you make this choice?
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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 1 Adam
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 2 Eve
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 3 Cane, Abel & Seth
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 4 Noah
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 5 Abraham
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 6 Isaac
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 7 Jacob
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 8 Joseph
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 9 Moses
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 10 Aaron
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 11 Joshua
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 12 Rahab
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

May 7, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 13 Ruth
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

May 15, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 14 Hannah
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

May 22, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 15 Samuel
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

May 29, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 16 Saul
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

June 5, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 17 Jonathan
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

June 12, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 18 David
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

June 19, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 19 Solomon
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins

June 26, 2023

Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 20 Joash
Characters Of The Bible

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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 21 Elijah & Elisha
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 22 Hezekiah
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 23 Ezra, Nehamiah, Haggai and Zechariah
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 24 Esther
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 25 Jeremiah
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 26 Nebuchadnezzar
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 27 Daniel
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 28 Jonah
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 29 Matthew
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 30 Mark
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 31 Luke
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 32 Apostle John
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Scott Perkins Great Characters Of The Bible
Lesson 33 John The Baptist
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Being A Disciple

What does it mean to follow Christ and be his disciple? What is the price of discipleship? We must be willing to take up our cross and follow him. But what does that life look like?

Text: Luke Chapter 9 versus 23 through 27

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

The Woman At The Well

1. Alan Webster once wrote a tract on the account of the woman at the well as it relates to evangelism, and I want to take this morning and this evening and take a look at this text with you.

2. We are concentrating on having a greater outward focus, and who better to show us how than Jesus, himself.

3. Jesus illustrates numerous principles in his encounter with the woman at the well that will aid us in talking to our neighbors about Jesus.

4. Consider and implement these points.

John 4:1-42

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Bobby Stafford

Lord Of All Creation
Psalm 104
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Bobby Stafford

Good Company
1 Corinthians 15:33, "Evil company corrupts good habits"
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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

A Worthy Life

Philippians 1:27, “Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (NKJV).

What is implied in Paul's exhortation “only let your manner of life be worthy [axios] Of the gospel of Christ?  In English versions of the New Testament, the Greek word axios is usually translated “worthy”. But its flavour is expressed elsewhere when it is translated “in keeping with” (Matthew 3:8, Acts 26:20). Like many other words, there is a picture lying behind the origin of the Greek word axios. It means “properly, bringing up the other beam of the scales, bringing into equilibrium, and therefore equivalent.

The basic idea is that a life that is worthy of the gospel of Christ expresses in the form of a lifestyle what the gospel teaches in the form of a message. Such a life takes on a character that reflects the character of the lord Jesus Christ.

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Christmas and the Birth of Christ

Regardless of our personal view or feelings about Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Christ, all of us should consider Paul's teaching about being considerate and tolerant of each other in matters in which God allows freedom. Romans 14:5-6, “One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks.” (NKJV)

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David Hersey

Changing Our Wardrobe

Most of us are concerned about how we look.  Our appearance is important to us.  We want our clothes to match, to be coordinated.  However, there is something far more important to God.  He’s concerned about how we adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior.  (Titus 2:10) “not pilfering; but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.” NKJV 

Text:  Colossians 3:12-14  

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Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Satan's Devices Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Comforting Words Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Decisions Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Judging Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

Saved By Faith (John 3:16) Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif   Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif


Bobby Stafford

New Testament Law

There is much disagreement on the Law among those claiming Christ as savior.  The chief dissention is between the side that hold to the paradigm that God must be obeyed for salvation and the side which says God does not need to be obeyed, in part, because it is claimed the New Testament does not contain law.  This belief is a result of the doctrine of Salvation By Faith Alone.  Adherents of this doctrine must dispose of the necessity of doing anything other than the mental acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.   Law contains restrictions, requirements and judgement and these three imply action and accountability.  If one is truly saved on the merits of simply believing in Jesus Christ, the New Testament therefore cannot contain law, because if it did, Christians would have restrictions on bad moral behavior, commands to obey and accountability for their actions.  Belief plus restrictions, obedience and accountability precludes the possibility of salvation being available by belief alone. 

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David Hersey

The Assembling of the Saints

The early church/ekklesia regularly assembled regularly.  The purpose of this article is to examine whether there is sufficient evidence within God’s word to draw the conclusion that Christians/Believers regularly assembled in the early church for the purpose of worshiping God.   This study from God’s Word is in response to those who seek to deny the reality of assembled Christians for the purpose of worship toward God in the early church. 


To begin, we will examine the original Greek word translated as church in the New Testament.  An accurate understanding of this word in the original language is useful in a study of Christian assemblies. 

The Greek word for church in most cases is Ekklesia

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Christian Living

David Hersey

Sermons and Lessons from 2023
Sermons and Lessons from 2022
Sermons and Lessons from 2021
Sermons and Lessons from 2020
Sermons and Lessons from 2019
Sermons and Lessons from 2018
Sermons and Lessons from 2017

Sermons and Lessons from 2016 

Sermons and Lessons from 2015

Sermons and Lessons from 2014 

Sermons and Lessons from 2013

Sermons and Lessons from 2012

Sermons and Lessons from 2011

Sermons and Lessons from 2010

Sermons and Lessons from 2009

Sermons and Lessons from 2008

Sermons and Lessons from 2007

Sermons and Lessons from 2006

Sermons and Lessons from 2005