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Church of Christ Sermons
For 2008

Sermons & Lessons
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
| 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022

We at the Church of Christ in Granby, MO provide online audio sermons from sound preachers and teachers in the Lord's church.  These sermons are sound and are available for download and use in teaching, edification and evangelism.  This material is organized by date in the order they were presented. 

It is our desire to spread the Word of Truth to all people on the face of the Earth.  We feel these sermons reflect only that which can be found and authorized within the holy scriptures.   We encourage everyone to read or listen to these sermons.  If at any time, something is found within any of these sermons which is contrary to the teachings found within the scriptures, let us know.  We will be glad to set up a bible study with you, and together, we will search the scriptures for the truth.

Church of Christ Lessons and Sermons From 2008


Sermon Title  
(Right Click to Download)

Media Downloads


Bobby Stafford How to Know What is Right Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Anger in Our Lives (From Proverbs) Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Reactions to Christ's Birth Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Proper Use 0f the Tongue Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Work Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Jesus and Hypocrisy Christian Living
Casey Flint Gambling Christian Living
David Hersey Saved by Faith or Faith Only? Faith
Bobby Stafford Proverbs 17 Proverbs
Bobby Stafford The Christian as Slave Christian Living
Travis Main Lifting Holy Hands Worship
Bobby Stafford Forbidden Woman (Study from Proverbs) Proverbs
Bobby Stafford Proverbs 3 Proverbs
Bobby Stafford Knowing What To Get Rid Of Christian Living
Travis Main Living Like Jesus October 2008 Youth Devotional
Robert Moss The Testimony of a Dying Man 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss The Life of A Disciple 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss Does Christ's Death Affect Your Life? 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss A Life of Unbelief 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss What Church is in Your Life 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss What is Wrong in Life 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Robert Moss Proper Direction In Life 2008 Fall Gospel Meeting
Bobby Stafford The Great Commission Evangelism
Bobby Stafford Advice to Young People Christian Living
Bobby Stafford It Wasn't My Fault Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Wisdom (Proverbs 1) Proverbs
Bobby Stafford The Inner and Outer Man Christian Living
Bobby Stafford A Wise Man Will Hear (Proverbs 1) Proverbs
Bobby Stafford The Rich Man Who Forgot God Christian Living
David Hersey New Testament Pattern For Christianity Christianity
Price Naramore Psalm 1 Psalms
Travis Main Is all Life Worship? Worship
Travis Main The Sons of Jacob Christian Living
Bobby Stafford The Israel of God Millennialism
Bobby Stafford The Parable of the Leaven Parables of Jesus
Bobby Stafford Striving Together Prayer
Bobby Stafford Departing From the Faith Apostasy
Bobby Stafford 2 Kings Millennialism
Bobby Stafford I Bow My Knees Prayer
Bobby Stafford Increasing in the Knowledge of God's Will Prayer
Bobby Stafford The Lord Will Provide God
Keith Collier Remaining Faithful God Vs the World
Lee Parish Courage God Vs the World
D'Angelo Joyce Wisdom God Vs the World
Richard Chambers Education of our Children God Vs the World
Erik Smith The Manner of Worship God Vs the World
Dick Sztanyo Ethics God Vs the World
Dwayne White The Pattern for the Home God Vs the World
Joe May Evangelism, What Would Jesus Do? God Vs the World
Tim Hester Liberty God Vs the World
Tommy Burr Homosexuality God Vs the World
Kevin Cauley The Value of Life God Vs the World
Bob Stafford The True Church God Vs the World
J. R. Burr Truth God Vs the World
Travis Main Retaining our Youth God Vs the World
David Hersey The Nature of the Church God Vs the World
Bobby Stafford Justice Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Justice
Bobby Stafford Praying Night and Day Prayer
Bobby Stafford Whatever Works? Worldliness
Bobby Stafford Seeking God's Guidance Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Paul's Petitions in Prayer Prayer
Bobby Stafford We Thank God For You Prayer
Bobby Stafford Sanctification Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Sanctification
Bobby Stafford Revelation 22 Pt. 2 Revelation
Travis Main The Distinctiveness of Christianity Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Revelation 22 Pt. 1 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 21 Pt. 2  Heaven Revelation
Bobby Stafford Are There Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit Today? The Holy Spirit
Don Cope Nicodemus and the New Birth Baptism
Don Cope Rightly Dividing the Bible Bible Study
Don Cope Peace Be Still Christian Living
Bobby Stafford The Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 20 The Judgment Scene Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Gift of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 20 Verses 1 Thru 10 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 2) The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Introduction to Premillennialism (Rev 20) Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 1) The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 19 Pt 2 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Holy Spirit (Who is He) The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford The Real Jesus Jesus
Bobby Stafford Revelation 19 Pt 1 Revelation
Don Cope True Worship Worship
Don Cope The Lord's Day Christian Living
Bobby Stafford The Baptisms of the New Testament Baptism
The Holy Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 18 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Unity of the Spirit Unity
Bobby Stafford Revelation 17 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Revelation 16 Part 2 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Revelation 16 Part 1 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Value of Truth Truth
Bobby Stafford When All of God's Singers Get Home Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Revelation 15 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Psalm 5 Psalms
Bobby Stafford Revelation 14 Pt. 2 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Have You Not Read? Bible Study
Bobby Stafford The Works of the Flesh Sin
Bobby Stafford Revelation 14 the 144,000 Revelation
Bobby Stafford The Fruit of the Spirit Spirit
Bobby Stafford Revelation 13 Pt. 2 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Heavenly Thinking Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Revelation 13 Pt. 1 Revelation
Bobby Stafford Psalm 46 God is our Refuge Psalms
Bobby Stafford Spiritual Warfare Christian Living
Bobby Stafford Revelation 12 Pt. 2 Revelation
Bobby Stafford

Revelation 12 Pt. 1

Bobby Stafford

Psalm 119 & Spirituality

Bobby Stafford

Revelation 11 Part 2

Bobby Stafford


Bobby Stafford

Priorities for the New Year

Christian Living
Bobby Stafford

Revelation 11 part 1

Sermons and Lessons from 2023
Sermons and Lessons from 2022
Sermons and Lessons from 2021
Sermons and Lessons from 2020
Sermons and Lessons from 2019
Sermons and Lessons from 2018
Sermons and Lessons from 2017

Sermons and Lessons from 2016 

Sermons and Lessons from 2015

Sermons and Lessons from 2014 

Sermons and Lessons from 2013

Sermons and Lessons from 2012

Sermons and Lessons from 2011

Sermons and Lessons from 2010

Sermons and Lessons from 2009

Sermons and Lessons from 2008

Sermons and Lessons from 2007

Sermons and Lessons from 2006

Sermons and Lessons from 2005


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The Sermons, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ
and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any
of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 


Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."